Every few decades this drowsy world requires an earful to reawaken to the joy and grace of the swing valse. Since 2010 Swing of France has been leading such a contre-attaque du jazz musette with Thomas le Briz powering the advance on rhythm guitar. Here they are joined (as will we at Django Camp 2019) by the dapper Daniel Givone on Jo Privat’s, “Java Manouche”.
Le Briz first gave Django a close listen in the year 2000 and…well, you know what happened. Givone and Joshue Raquinard get the assist for nurturing Le Briz’ passion for this music. Since then he has been involved with them and numerous other projects, including Pacific 47 with Gwen Cahue and Costel Lacatus
But it is on the fertile and periodically abandoned soil of the swing valse and jazz accordion that le Briz and Mellac have staked their most enduring claim. Thomas will serve as one of our rhythm specialists at Django in June, accompanying accordion classes and offering tactical advice to guitarists who want to join the charge. It’s Jo Privat’s 100th birthday anniversary this year, for crying out loud! And with music as lovely as his “La sorcière”, victory is assured: